Archangels Speak Out

Archangels Speak Out
Cloud Angel

Saturday, April 18, 2015

P       Pardon the highlighted words, as they were within a quote and I cannot seem to change that...


Soft of voice, calm in manner,
My angel brother of compassion
Bears messages of God’s love,
            And to tell you, you are never alone.

Gentle, kind, and not without humor,
This angel opens his heart to hear you
In your suffering, your grief, your pain
            And to tell you, you are never alone.

His joyful smile can fill your heart,
His kind eyes hold a knowing,
Carrying a truth he wishes to impart,
            Giving you hope that you are never alone.

Carrying the message of his life
Into the message of his angelic place,
He still will tell you, “God loves you,
            And you are never alone.”

Andrews’s Words

Though my name comes first in the alphabetical scheme of things in this book, I wanted to be last.  This is due to the majority of readers being familiar with most of these other Archangels, but perhaps not me.
For lack of a better name, you can call me Andrew.  Angels don’t really have names, as they are beings of energy, as is your own soul.  But being people need to have a name for things, I will take Andrew.  Part of this is because I was called Andrew (though in a different language) at the time Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth.  So it’s good.  I’ll stick with it.
I recently left the realm of humanity where I was serving as an incarnated angel.  I am an angel of compassion and find that much of my work is with Azrael and Magdalena (the dualistic names of the yin/yang of the one soul, Magdrael) during times of grief, and other times with Zadkiel, who also deals with compassion.  All of the angelic realms do, but these are the ones I find myself assisting most often.  I also work with people giving them a nudge to make the right choices on their path.  Many of these choices have to do with compassion.
Compassion is a big word.  As I have found coming back into the angel realm from humanity, words make things smaller than they really are in an energy sense.  Words limit.  Words label things that cannot be labeled.  It is like trying to call the All That Is by one name – it is limiting the limitless.  So let us look at compassion.  One dictionary says it is pity, inclining one to be merciful, showing sympathy.  You will find it in a thesaurus with pity, sympathy, soft-heartedness, commiseration, mercy and so on.
We looked it up in wikpedia (having been human and being relatively new back on the angel block, I am aware of such things) and it said:  “Compassion (from Latin: "co-suffering") is a virtue —one in which the emotional capacities of empathy and sympathy (for the suffering of others) are regarded as a part of love itself, and a cornerstone of greater social interconnectedness and humanism —foundational to the highest principles in philosophy, society, and personhood.
“There is an aspect of compassion which regards a quantitative dimension, such that individual's compassion is often given a property of "depth," "vigor," or "passion." More vigorous than empathy, the feeling commonly gives rise to an active desire to alleviate another's suffering. It is often, though not inevitably, the key component in what manifests in the social context as altruism. In ethical terms, the various expressions down the ages of the so-called Golden Rule embody by implication the principle of compassion: Do to others what you would have them do to you.”
Even with all this meaning, all these synonyms, and even with the Golden Rule, I feel it does not explain true compassion well enough.
Being that I am an angel of compassion, I know what compassion feels like, what it does in action that words cannot possibly explain.  Part of it is that some of you do not understand that you are all one, which is another part behind the meaning of the Golden Rule.  What it isn’t saying in that line above is that what you do to others, you also do to yourself.  Showing compassion is like taking care of yourself along with the person you are showing compassion for.  And it also means in some cases, you are able to look past a mis-perception or prejudice of a person needing compassion in order to give that to them. 
It is easy to show compassion for someone you know, care about, a family member or friend.  It is when you show compassion for the stranger on the street having a hard time, families you do not know misplaced through natural disaster, giving to a soup kitchen (or better yet, volunteering for one), or being a hospice volunteer.  These things show true compassion.
Some show compassion to alleviate guilt.  That is not compassion – that is like making good on a bad debt.  If you feel like you need to use the word “should”  - beware – as in I should go see so and so, because they are sick.  If you do it because you know it will make them happy, that is better.  If it is out of obligation and not out of a place of love in your heart, it is not compassion in the truest sense of the word.  Feeling the “I should do this” usually ends with a feeling of, “but I’d rather not.”  You know in your heart what the truth of this is.  Move yourself into a place of wanting to because it will bring a smile to someone (which will reward you more than you know).  Do it because it will make things easier for them, not because you are looking for thanks or any reward at all. 
That gets me thinking about giving and receiving.  They are the same thing, and one of the other of us gets into that more.  But know what you give, you receive, usually tenfold of what you gave.  What a deal!  And it makes one feel really good to give, and that is a part of the receiving – feeling really good.  We are all created to help one another, for we are all one in God, the Universal Consciousness.  And it is so very true that what you do for another, you do for yourself.  And it is also true that what you do for another, you do for the One That Is All Things.  If you find someone that needs help, but you are frightened, wary, thinking they will take advantage of you, think of this – God resides in that person.  Look for the God and there is nothing to fear once you see it.  Sometimes you might have to look harder than other times, for some people are good at putting masks on, but God is in there or that person would not even be in existence on any level in any dimension.  God HAS to be in there in order for that person to be in this world or any other.  It makes sense if you believe God is All Things, which puts the God within you and all others, including the air you breathe, the birds you see flying, the fish you see swimming.  God is All Things and All Things are connected through God.
I wanted to speak through Magdrael for a couple of reasons.  You will have read much more about the truth of life and death in Azrael’s writing, so I will not go into that here.  I do want to say that knowing that energy first hand, it is gentle, kind, loving and compassionate, and not at all the frightening character or energy people purport it to be.  That is truth.  The other reason I sought her out was because I am able to understand what she has been going through as an incarnate from the Higher Realm.  Being in human form creates a struggle, as many incarnated angels, angelic humans and lightworkers are going through right now.  They are trying to break through the fogginess of the human mind to re-member who they truly are, feeling they have a great purpose, but having a hard time either knowing who and what they are, and remembering why they are even here.  Once remembered however, things happen fast for them.  And then there is the struggle with believing it even after you remember.  So I thought I could help her, being I was a recent angel in human form myself.  This unified aspect of Magdalena/Azrael has also helped me from both sides of their perspective.
I would like to say here and now, that life is an illusion that humanity gets caught up in, playing the game to the best of their ability, wearing their costumes and masks, believing the parts they play are real.  But human life is more like a movie, just as Shakespeare stated; like being on a stage and all the men and women merely players; having their exits and their entrances.  When we exit, we all come back to the only reality, we all come back to our real Home, we all come back to truth, and we all are created from an energy of pure and total unconditional love.  There are no real goodbyes, so trust and have hope, for God truly does love you.  I know that without a doubt from where I am right here, right now.
Also, in wanting to assist this yin part of Magdrael’s energy in form, Magdalena, I want to explain that she is not the kind of medium or intuitive who finds the secrets or personal facts of someone’s life in order to prove or validate life after death to those in grief who are wanting to contact their loved ones.  Some people need to hear those things, and those are wonderful things to bring to them through that kind of mediumship.  Because of Magdalena’s energy, she speaks with those going into transition, or those passed over, or those grieving for a different purpose than to bring messages.  She wishes to bring the Light, Love and Truth of the Infinite One, and to speak of the truer reality of all of our Being-ness.  This comes from her own remembering, from angels like me, from those she sees on the other side, from some of the Ascended Masters, but mostly from her soul family of Archangels speaking to her and through her.
She tries to teach that the key to freedom is through forgiveness of self and of others.  She also brings messages through us all about the truth of what life is in the now, and how you can live more fulfilling, joyful, and loving lives by being in that now - how you can become the divine power that you truly are.  What happened in the past isn’t important for what we are trying to bring to you for your now. The past is gone and the future is only what you create in this moment, and the next moment, and so on.  Most of the others in this book have stressed this truth, so I do not feel a need to get into it in the depth that they do.  Just know that all you have is this moment in time.  Regrets from the past are wasted energy, and you don’t need the guilt or fear or worry over them to be creating your future, or your future will be more of your past.  Start here, right now, this very second, to see things differently and you can create whatever future you desire – more joy, more love, more peace, more security.  It is really up to you, what you focus on, and what your perspective might be.  You can always change your mind about things, you know.  And changing your mind changes how things appear to be.
I give great thanks for being included in this book, as I wanted to say these few words.  To finish, I would just like to add that if you only knew what truth is in the bigger picture of the cosmos, you would hold no fear whatsoever, for anything.  I can only hope some of my words have helped.  Thank you.

Friday, April 3, 2015


As an ancient oak standing in the midst of a forest,
 Wisdom of all time is within his knowing.
    Keeper of the akashic records, he holds all remembrances.
We seek him out when we wish to re-member,
  When we wish to know our own power,
    When we wish to become one with the violet flame.

Amethyst is his color,
  Burning like a purple fire within his heart,
    He teaches us to find our own flame within.

He teaches how to hear
  Through the inner ear, beyond the human,
    The voices that guide us gently through love and into truth.

Compassion from an open heart
  Is what he shows as a way of Being
    If we want to follow in Divine footsteps.

Zadkiel’s Words

My energy feels heavy to the one who types here.  Oddly, I sit at the ninth energy center and am associated with the violet flame.  Being I hold energy in the ninth energy center, and being so high, I am lighter, no?  I am up higher than most.  I am smiling.  Yes, I guess my energy could be construed as heavy as I am a transformer of lower energy to higher energy.  I am here to teach you how to learn and then to teach what you learn and to tell you that teaching and learning are one and the same.  I am here to transform and devour any negative energy you are willing to get rid of.  I am here to help you transcend.  I am here to teach you compassion, mercy and forgiveness.  And I am here to teach you how to “hear” messages within yourself.  So, let’s set about the task at hand.  And let us move into this with joy, for there is great joy in freedom of the soul, is there not?
I believe compassion, forgiveness and mercy must come first, or the others cannot follow.  You must learn these to even be aware of negative energy, and then to listen and learn and teach.  Magdalena knows me well, as she is Lady Mercy, and the unified aspect of she and Azrael are all about transformation, and so they are also part of the violet flame and have worked with me from Creation.
Compassion is feeling love in the heart for another being, which is all things upon this earth, and holding that being in a light of wishing all good out of a pure heart.  It is like being a bodhisattva in holding a true desire for the highest good for all, which is sometimes takes the form of food, shelter, health and security.  Sometimes it is a desire that the soul in question be awakened to the Divine within their own being.  It is a desire for all beings to be treated out of a place of love and to have their needs met, no matter what level that may be.  It is feeling the place in your heart where the Christ within resides and sending love out from that place.  It does not mean that you put yourself in that place where they are so that you, too, suffer from their plight.  It means understanding that place and allowing that place, but holding the desire within your heart to rise them up from that place according to their own soul’s needs and purpose, which in most cases you do not know.  It is holding them in the Light of the Divine.
Mercy and forgiveness can go hand in hand.  What many do not understand is that forgiveness must first come from the heart toward self, for unless you forgive self, how can you offer it to another.  I will say here and now that guilt is a wasted energy.  Guilt actually puts you above what you might have done to the other, for in feeling that, you are thinking their thoughts are only about what you might have done to them.  They might have already forgotten about it.  You may not be the center of their universe.  Guilt is of the ego, for a person will only let you do to them what they are allowing you to do.  But if you feel guilt, then one way to alleviate it is to ask for forgiveness.  If you find this difficult to do, then forgive self and right what you see as a wrong by never creating a like situation again.  And in forgiving others for what you allowed them to do to you, because you had a part in bringing it to yourself through beliefs or through a soul’s contract or karma, you not only free you own soul, but free theirs as well.  Forgiveness is a pretty thorough emotion when it comes from the heart.  It heals all and is the key to freedom.  It does not mean you agree with what has been done, but that you are willing to let go of it and move forward and release the doing in your heart.  And it isn’t true forgiveness unless it is released totally.
Mercy is a part of forgiveness.  Showing mercy is a willingness to overlook something deemed wrong, an allowing of an offense.  However, other than in the duality of third dimensional beings there is no real right or wrong.  And beware - feeling you are giving another clemency can be ego-feeding for putting yourself in a position to have power over another.  But true mercy is forgiveness, no matter what.  You see how compassion, forgiveness and mercy are all tied together?
When you hold an open heart and can be in a place of compassion, forgiveness and mercy are all there with that compassion.  Now the heart is open, the being can be free to learn, to be open to what the higher parts of its being are trying to tell it.  Now you can hear the soul, or guides from a higher vibration, working with you to help you transcend, to become enlightened, to follow your soul’s purpose.  Until your mind is free, for it is not when it is shackled by grudges and negative thinking, you cannot hear what your soul needs you to hear.  That is why I say forgiveness is the key to freedom.
Once in this level of higher vibration from giving out forgiveness, compassion and mercy from an open heart, you have also opened it to a higher love.  This is a level at which if you listen, you can begin to hear your inner voice, your intuition, and those from loving beings in other realms guiding you to your soul’s purpose.  It is then you can trust that what you get from this voice inside self, for it will be validated for you.  You inner ears, not the human ears, will hear gentle and loving guidance that will move the soul forward into its bliss.  Of course, you have to be willing to take this guidance, but trust that if you are coming from a place of an open heart holding love, the guidance will bring you to great joy in your life, for it will feed your soul.  When the soul is fed and nourished in this way, all other levels of your being enjoy the benefits.  This inner hearing is tied into the fifth chakra.  Working with that chakra, especially through speaking from your authentic self, your inner truth from the heart and not the ego, will help to open up the channel so that you “hear” that inner voice more clearly.  Hearing this voice will benefit all areas of your life in that it will guide you to make right decisions, help others that come to you for healing if that is your calling, and benefit the highest good for self and all others associated with you.  All you need do is carry an open heart – love, hold compassion, forgive. 
Learning and teaching go hand in hand, as giving and receiving go hand in hand, for it is a cycle.  You are always a student and always a teacher, you are always giving and always receiving – at least when you allow it to flow as it should.  You cannot teach what you have not learned and what you want to teach you must learn, but what you want to learn, you must teach.  Ah, you wonder about that last statement.  It is true that what you focus upon is what comes to you.  If you want to learn something, you put out a focus, an energy toward that thing.  What better way to draw that very thing to you than through teaching it?  All kinds of information will then flow to you about that very thing.  You see how it is a cycle?  All things are energy – that is the foundation of the Universal Law.  Energy in – energy out.  Energy out – energy in.  What vibration or energy you put out is exactly what is returned.  If you wish to learn more about something, begin to talk about it, bring it into your life, tell stories about what you know of it.  It will show up, I guarantee, for your focus and energy is on that very thing.  Of course, doing this for the higher good for all will bring it as great rewards and learning.  Doing it to use against another will bring something quite different that you probably don’t want.  So keep it for the highest good, something that will serve the highest good, and the Universe will smile upon you.
Some people are born teachers, but I say everyone teaches - through their example in how they live, how they treat themselves and others, how they perceive the world.  I am not saying all are good teachers, as there are those that do not teach for the highest good for all, but all are teachers.  In that case, all are learners.  Once you get to a point where you feel there is nothing more to learn, you are no longer a teacher.  Think on that.  You cannot shut down one side – learning – and expect the other to continue to flow.  You see, things keep changing, forming, manifesting, rising, expanding, so how can you know it all?  Learning is never done, and because of that, teaching is never done.  It is as the tides in the oceans upon the earth, rising and falling, coming and going, changing the shape of the sand beneath it.  It is the same with teaching and learning, as it changes the fabric of all things it touches.  The ocean constantly changes the fabric of what it courses over, as does a river, and so does teaching and learning, for it changes the hearts and minds of those who are touched by it.  In turn, a new idea comes into being which flows out like the tides.  Rather like a butterfly effect. 
One of the greatest transformative tools you have is a willingness to change.  As soon as you put that out unto the Universe, the Universe will help you to change, especially if it is for the highest good.  Opportunities will come your way, doors will open, different people will be drawn to you for exactly the purposes you wish to change for.  Desire to transcend is a powerful energy and is always answered with an equal, if not greater force, for the Universe is based in the energy of love and when love is put out from an open heart, it is like the greatest of all music to the Universe.  It hears and responds.  It will respond to discordant notes as well, but you already know that as you can see the state of the world around you.  But in your desire to open yourself to the Divine, it is like a celestial song that goes forth and the Universe smiles upon you for it is the resonating energy of the Universe.  We have been given special tools to help those of you on this path.  One of them, and one of the most powerful, is the violet flame.  This is the flame that transforms negative energy such as fear, into love.  And it is simply done by invoking it, decreeing that you are a being of the violet flame, and picturing oneself within this flame, transforming all fears into those of love.
Sit quietly in a meditative state and breathe deeply.  Say to self or out loud, “I AM a being of the violet flame (or fire); I AM the purity God desires.”  The words don’t matter so much as the intention, though you can find many mantras used to call this unto you for many purposes.  The words or mantras call the violet flame to you and decree that you wish to be and are a being, which is a part of that.  Then imagine yourself with the violet flame all around you, within you, coming from hands and heart, transforming all within you.  If you wish to meditate on this flame around the earth, do so, speaking words that send it out into the world with love, with the intention of healing, peace, compassion.  The violet flame can work no other way, as it is pure and from Divine Consciousness.  There is much written about this flame and how our beloved Ascended Master St. Germain, brought this to the earth for use in transformation.  It is the flame of forgiveness, for creating peace where there is hate, for creating understanding where there is prejudice, and for undoing negative karma.  It is used to transmute negative into positive.  It can be used to work within yourself, or to send it forth out unto the world, and therefore rippling out into the Universe.  It is a tool of great power for the good, as it is from the Divine.
Now that we have talked about compassion, forgiveness, mercy, teaching and learning and the transformative tool of the violet flame, there is one other subject that I wish to touch upon, and that is re-membering.  Most have forgotten who and what they are in truth – that is a soul, an essence created by Divine Consciousness that has chosen to take form to expand themselves, and in doing so, the very Consciousness they were created by.  Before a soul comes into form, they remember their oneness with this Divine One, know what they wish to manifest to grow and expand in the love that they are, know who will be in their lives assisting them to do so, know what sacrifices they might make for helping another to do so, and then they forget when they are incarnated.  A strange series of events here, but that is how it was created for this third dimensional place called Earth.  It is all about re-membering who you are and where you came from so that you can do the expanding you came here to do.  With the earth moving into a new dimension and the beings upon the earth moving with it, it won’t be so difficult.  Many of you might be remembering much more easily already.  But putting the pieces back together is a great game that you all are playing at, and as you open yourself to expand, the more you re-member.  The more you re-member, the more you expand and are able to transcend.  For what you are re-membering is that you are part of the Divine, a spark of that Consciousness of the Creator.  Once the separation of forgetting turns toward re-membering, fears diminish, for you no longer feel separated from that which created you.  The fear of death diminishes as you re-member that the soul is eternal.  The fear of lack diminishes because you remember that you can manifest through your energy all that you need.  Re-membering is about love – separation is about fear.  Coming back to the love of the Divine within and re-membering, or bringing that part of yourself which is Divine back into the core of your being, releases fear.  I am about this bringing the parts back to the whole, helping you to re-member who you truly are.  So call upon me for assistance in doing so. 
Even those that have come into form at this time that are of other energies such as Archangels, Ascended Masters, Lightworkers, Angelic Humans, Universal Beings of Light - all must re-member due to the density of the earth.  All have assistance in doing so at a certain point in their lives.  They get a nudge, and if they do not remember, a gentle shove.  All souls do, but some are more awake than others.  Some are coded to hearing a call and will respond, as that is why their souls were created – to serve.  When the call goes out, they answer and begin to remember why they are here.  Others question their place on this earth from childhood, feeling as though they are on an alien planet and their true home is elsewhere.  Through this feeling of alienation, they search and come to find their true reason for being here, why they came into form.  But there are not many who remember at first.  Even Ascended Masters do not always remember immediately upon birth who they are and why they are here.  But a lesson is brought to them early in life and it sparks the memory.   You see, there is much help from those in the higher vibrational dimensions that are always watching over this earth, always involved in the transcending of those that wish that for themselves, and in doing so, for the earth.  It is all about re-membering the truth.
It is obvious to us in the higher dimensions that many on this earth wish to transcend, wish to bring that Divine Consciousness back to their lives, wish to re-member that the Divine is the true core of their being, and wonderfully, that they wish this for the entire planet and all thereupon.  We are working with many to do so.  This is a time of a great shift for this planet and all beings and it pleases us so very much that there are so very many that have heard this call and have answered.  The way is being paved for a new earth and way of being with the earth, being upon the earth.
And the last word I want to bring into this is joy.  Pure joy, lightness of heart, the ability to laugh, to be in bliss about life and all you do in your life.  If there isn’t joy in what you are doing, perhaps it is not what you should be doing, for alignment with the authentic self creates joy.  If your heart is joyful, your whole outlook is joyful and that spreads like a wildfire during a drought!  Ask yourself if you feel joy in your work, your relationships, your place of residence – anything that is in your world.  If you don’t feel joy, you need to change your perception of these things and see them in a different light so that you can feel joy, or you need to think about changing them.  Once you re-member who you are and why you are here, the heart will seek joy and will draw it to itself, and trust what I say, joy will find you when you are open to it, seek it and by giving it out, for joy will replenish itself as does love.  Be lighthearted, learn to laugh at self, learn to find joy in simple pleasures like opening your eyes to really see the beauty of the sunset, the flight of birds, the wonder of life.  Children are joyful because they see things with new eyes.  Re-new your eyes!  Open your eyes.  Many go through life with blinders on to the very things that could make them smile.  And from where I see you, I’d rather see smiles.
With all those thoughts to spend time mulling over, I will say one more thing to you – know you are loved.  That is one truth that you need to remember, dear ones – you are so very loved.  Step into the violet flame and feel that love and spread it all through you and out from you into the world. 
Yours in great joy ~ Zadkiel

Friday, March 20, 2015


With wings of blinding light he comes,
  Carrying the books of heaven’s law,
No nonsense in his words,
  He speaks only from truth.
The higher laws of the Universe are what he shares,
  Illuminating those that choose to live by them,
He will guide you through their verses,
  Teaching you, enlightening you.

Graceful in stature, a gentle but piercing gaze,
  He is the “Fire of God,”
Carrying the longbow of righteousness
  He sends blazing arrows into falsehoods to burn them with the light of truth.

He is swift, like a bolt of lightening,
  Shaking the heavens with a thunderous voice,
To remind you of your own inner knowing,
  Helping you to find your own voice.

Uriel, blazing brilliantly, removes the clouds from our minds
  So we know the truth of who we are,
And in that knowing, come into our own power -
  The Divinity within ourselves.

Uriel’s Words

There has never been a war in God’s realm.  Humankind created wars, and therefore felt it fitting to place God’s realm in a world such as their own by creating war between those of us in a dimension most could not see, and most did not understand, nor do they still.  There are no “fallen angels.”  They were created by humanity, so in your human minds you could relate your illusory world to what you think of as heaven.  It gives you an excuse for war; it allows you to make it seem righteous.  You think, “If angels can do it in, than it is okay for us as well!”  War is yours, not ours.  It is of your making.  Stories have been written about the archangels having war.  Not true.  Why must you use your own symbols and world of duality for even God’s realm?
Religions have been built on this mistruth relying on stories handed down through generations out of fear and for their own agendas.  Lucifer has brought all this up in a past chapter, so I will not labor the issue, but I felt it was worth reiterating the truth of it.  Man tries to lower the level of the higher realm by giving it the duality of good and evil, right and wrong, as is within his own world.  Man cannot create a three-dimensional world of polarity in a dimension that has none the way he understands it.  It is mankind’s story, not based on any truth in the heavens.  I know it has been written in some places that I helped humankind against the fallen angels.  It is true I was here to help humankind, but the “fallen angels” were man’s idea, as fear was raised in mankind when the manifestation of duality and ego took place.  But as said, this could be another book.  Just know that there is truth in some stories, but most have a twist to them that is not from truth, but from fear. Enough.
I come to illuminate you, to bring brilliant thoughts that strike you as an epiphany, in order to transform you.  My name means “God’s Light,” and this I shine throughout the world, into the minds of those seeking new ideas, new paths, and enlightenment.  I work closely with the earth realm, as it is I that sees what is being made manifest from energies of the heavens onto the earth.  Anything coming into manifestation goes through my energy to make sure there is an order maintained.  Any vibration you might put out there from desire into the vibrational field of the Universe travels through me before it is made manifest.  In this way, harmony is maintained and Divine Order upheld.
I am also one to teach Universal Law, as all things on earth reside within these laws, again to maintain balance and harmony with the Universe.  These laws are not as man’s laws, and are held by the highest regents in the highest dimensions and came with the Creation of all things from Divine Consciousness.  These laws are based upon the fact that all things are energy that flows in a circular direction, and that all are one.  These laws cover all things in the Universe equally, unlike man’s laws which govern all things ending up being good for some and not so good for others; as man’s laws try to control and keep all things in your world in a neat box.  I believe you call it “pigeon holing.” 
Universal laws are based upon the truth of oneness and love, giving and receiving, cause and effect, coming into a place of neutrality instead of a widely swinging pendulum of polarity.  When Yeshua said the two must become one to enter the kingdom of heaven, it meant many things on a number of levels, but this being from oneness and the laws of polarity are covered in that statement. 
It was said there are seven laws, but in fact there are twelve.  These are as follows:
Law of Divine Oneness
Law of Vibration
Law of Action
Law of Correspondence
Law of Cause and Effect
Law of Compensation
Law of Attraction
Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Law of Relativity
Law of Polarity
Law of Rhythm
Law of Gender
These laws should be studied and understood if one is seeking transcendence and enlightenment.  They can be found in a number of places, from ancient mystery teachings to more current books.  If you seek them, you will find them when you are ready.  And when you are ready, ask for my help in understanding them.  I can shine the light of illumination within you so that you might grasp them and uphold them.
There are two that many are more aware of that I will speak of here, as they are also two of those that I work with upon your world.  They are the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Attraction.  Both are about keeping things in balance and harmony, though there are differences.  The first mentioned is about the action and reaction of energy and how that maintains balance.  It is about Divine Order in that all cause has its effect and all effects are created by cause.  Nothing happens by chance.  In learning this law, it helps you to realize that you have the ability to create the effects in your life.  It is also about karma and the balancing thereof. 
Much of this has to do with the principles one lives by; strength of commitment, clarity, forgiveness held in the heart and mind, and whether or not one holds fear of the unknown and not coming from a place of trust.  It makes one realize that they alone create their own destiny.  But many are not strong enough to accept responsibility for the effects in the world around them, how they have been the cause, and what they bring to themselves.  However, with more light coming into the world and many humans thereon, more and more are achieving the strength to be so.  Many are realizing that forgiveness is key to the soul’s freedom and ascending.  Many are realizing that their actions must be made through the clarity of higher feeling, higher thoughts, healing words, and healing action for the highest good for all and the earth, as all are one.  The more people that see the truth that all are one, the more responsible they become within themselves – what they allow into their energy field and what goes out from this energy field.  They are understanding this law and are trying to abide by it.  This will ripple out for the higher good of all.  But to gain mastery of this law, one must believe, surrender ego to the will of God and trust.  This alone takes strength of will to stay centered in this.
The other law mentioned is about how energy and vibration put out into the Universe draws like unto like.  The Universe does not work with words, but with vibratory energy.  It cannot tell if you are imagining it, wanting it, or not wanting it.  It merely reads the vibration being sent.  That is why you must be careful what you focus upon, for if your thoughts linger on something wanted or unwanted, it is the fact that your thoughts linger on it that triggers the Universe into matching your vibration and bringing it to you.  Ascended Master El Morya has been quoted as saying, “What is hidden within will dictate what will appear on the outside.”  As within, so without.  The outside world becomes a reflection of what you are focused upon.  It will fulfill that energy, as though you are a magnet.  You can choose to put out loving thoughts and draw love to you, or choose to put out thoughts of chaos and anger, and draw those to you. 
There is only one exception to this law, and that is by contracts made prior to coming into form.  All these laws listed above work together, as they all are woven together.  One cannot be without the other, and all together bring balance and harmony throughout the Universe and are perfect. 
I support and guide you in what you are attempting to create upon your world; what you would like to make manifest.  I am very busy now working with lightworkers and others incarnated at this time, seeking to bring this earth and all thereupon into a higher vibration – the creating of a new earth as some call it.  This falls under my jurisdiction, and I must say I am thrilled at the love and light being generated on your world to aid in this rising up.  Many are skeptical, feeling that chaos is the rule in this world, but chaos also means change, a crumbling of the old that does not stand firm any longer and needs replacing with the new.  There are many laying the foundation of the new with deeper meaning, higher hopes, open hearts and a knowing of oneness, and it is like a new building rising up that will stand firm.  So if ye be a skeptic, just wait and see what love and light can build.  And if ye could just bring hope to your heart and allow that to grow, you will become part of the new foundation upon the earth.  It is only a matter of perception, choice, attitude.  Why not choose to become a part of a new and more loving place to be, a place that will be more like the Eden of old.  What a gift for future generations!  Just try it.  It might make you feel good, even joyous to become part of a new way of being. 
The other area that I can be of assistance is with that which you just “know” to be true.  It is through the use of what is called claircognizance.  It is the ability to re-cognize truth when you see it or hear it, or just through a truth you know to be just that – truth.  Truths can be different for different people, but it is like having what Native Americans would call weasel medicine, in that you can see beyond what is in front of you to find the truth of the matter, or having dragonfly medicine and seeing past the illusion or appearance of a thing.  It is what rings true for you, beyond appearances.  Or it is an idea that comes to you and you just “know” it to be true.  Premonition also falls into this category, knowing something is going to happen before it does.  Clair- cognizance is clear thinking.  Just as clair- voyance is clear seeing, clair – sentience is clear feeling, and clair– audience is clear hearing.  I can work with you in the clear thinking area, bringing new ideas, new thoughts, new pathways.  Pioneers have had my guidance, breaking new ground for exploration, science, theories.  As I said, I’ve been busy lately, as the world is rising up and even bringing science and spirituality under the same roof through quantum theories.
What a wonderful time to be upon this earth, dear children.  I am joyful over what I see, even through the appearance of much chaos.  But it takes chaos to bring change, so do not fret.  The doors that are opening are ones into a new earth and way of being with the earth and with each other.  Keep focusing on the love, the light, compassion, peace and joy, and that is what will vibrate out into the Universe and that is what you will have returned to you.  It is the law.

Much love and much light be unto you all.  I will do my best to bring illumination to those seeking such.
I AM Uriel.

(Author’s Note:  One of the current books that Uriel refers to in learning the Universal Laws is The Light Shall Set You Free, by Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley McCune.)

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Walking softly through the woods leaving no print
  Humming softly with the melody of a bubbling brook,           
    Singing sweetly in the trees with the spring birds.
This is where you’ll find him.

At the edge of the ocean, lost in prayer,
  Manifesting clean waters for the creatures of the sea,
    Standing at the top of a mountain smiling at the vast expanse of beauty.
This is where you’ll find him.

Planting seeds in the garden of humanity’s desires
  Patiently awaiting to see the bounty of the crop
    Weeding what is not necessary for the harvest.
This is where you’ll find him.

By the pond, listening to frogs calling in the rain,
  Watching the shore birds skittering across the higher ground
    Watching the lotus opening in the sun to spread its seeds.
This is where you’ll find him.

He is also in the garden of your own heart and mind.
  He is where you put out a prayer with belief and gratitude.
    He is in the music of the earth, the harmony of Gaia.
He can always be found within a heart that sings to the same rhythm.

Sandalphon’s Words

There is a gentleness of spirit that other creatures can pick up on.  If you move slowly, without fear and without malice, they can read that, sense that.  If you are walking quietly on the earth, the earth feels that and transmits it to the creatures in your path.  Shine your light of love and it is like a beacon to them.  Especially if you are feeling the oneness with all around you.  It takes a special attitude to do this, but practice it each time you walk around where there are creatures.  It is the gift of a gentle spirit and a radiating love that will bring them to you, unafraid.  Most usually, even a predator can be calmed by this - unless, of course, they are rogue or extremely hungry and doing what comes natural.  But this is so infrequent as not to worry about it.  Animals are curious and if you come to them with a lack of haughtiness or malice or fear, they will stay near you.  If you sit quietly and meditatively, shining your light of love around you, they will come close.  As the birds that land in your hand when they see no reason not to, others will come as well.  Not many people are capable of this, and animals will naturally stay away.  It takes time for them to trust, as it takes time for humans to trust one another.  It is a respect that grows.  Patience, love, quietness.  This is part of what I teach along with Ariel, for she, too, is much with the earth and its creatures, along with the environment.  It is gentleness in action. 
There is so much beauty upon this earth, so much to see with an open heart, along with open eyes and listening ears.  You are part of the cycle of nature on this earth, though some feel that are either at the top of the food chain or not within the food chain at all.  Oh, but you are within the food chain, as all life is a cycle on this earth.  All things carbon based go back to the earth one way or another and fertilize it.  And there are those that would eat you, dear ones, for that is their natural way of being – survival.  All life on this planet is part of the never-ending chain of giving and receiving, and all life on this planet lives through cycles.  There was a man who learned Native American ways who put out a question to his students as to what was more important – man, a deer, or a blade of grass.  It was argued over until the realization came that they were equally important.  However, the blade of grass was what potentially fed all.  More importantly, it showed the cycle of life.  When you look upon that which is all around you and see the synchronicity, the melody of the song that runs through it all, you can see that all is woven into one large perfect tapestry.  Humans are a part of this tapestry.
All energy has the ability to co-create, to manifest.  Evolution is due to energy being made manifest by even a one-celled creature.  Many may think this pushing the limits, but animals have the ability to co-create and manifest.  They can even work in cooperation with each other to manifest, as lions or coyotes do working as a team to feed the pride or pack.  Yes, it is a survival instinct, but also the power of the mind that acts as a motivator and manifestor as well to take part in this.  And dinner is a manifestation of a desire, is it not?  Monkeys are evolving into the use of tools, as the desire they put out was to make a task easier for themselves.  Laugh, but it is true.  Their desire to do this is not much different than a human’s desire to create something that will ease his task.  Mankind, however, with his brain size and focused imagination can create faster, bigger (though not always better), and seems to take this to a power that can create magnificent things or destroy.  But know that man is not the only one doing all the manifesting.  When you realize this, you realize that you are a part of the tapestry of this earth.  Yes, you might be the most powerful, but a part of the bigger whole, a part of the oneness of it all.  Therefore, when you do manifest, be sure that you take the rest of the tapestry into consideration, for you are not the only one that makes it whole.  And one cannot take away another part and still have it be whole.  The picture would then be incomplete.  And it is your environment that sustains you – earth, air, water, wood, stone.  And it is those very things that abide in those places of earth, air and water that sustain you.  It is the wood that sustains you in more ways than many of you realize.  It is more than building houses, furniture, keeping you warm.  Wood, from trees, is part of the ecosystem of water (rain and clouds) and clean air (transforming carbon dioxide into breathable air).  Stone is the support system, the skeleton of the earth beyond what you might use it for.  Without any of them, you would no longer exist.  Be gentle with your world, for it is a large ecosystem where all things need the other to survive.  Oneness at its finest.  So please, treat all things as you would want to be treated upon this earth, for in whatever you treat it, you are treating yourself and all other things.
More about manifesting, but from a different angle.  When you enter into stillness and put out prayer, whether this be in the rising up of steam in a sweat lodge, kneeling in a church, or standing in the midst of a forest, the Universe feels the vibration of those prayers.  Some wonder why their prayers are not answered.  All prayers are answered, however it is in the way it is asked as to what answer you receive.  So many prayers are plaintive prayer, asking for something one does not have, whether it be a cure, financial assistance, love in their life.  But a plaintive prayer comes from a place of “not having.”  Because this is the vibration put out (for all things are vibration), that is the vibration back to you, more of not having.  Some prayers are like wishes, more positive as in, “I wish I could find a cure for this illness.”  They don’t come from such a sad place as a plaintive prayer, but they are still showing not having, but wishing that you did.  The Universe will allow you to continue to wish in this case.  As Yeshua said, in not so modern terms, put it out there and believe it is yours - see it as done.  See it as given to you and act as though this is exactly what has happened and be thankful for it having been given to you.  Then let the Universe work its magic. 
If you need rain during a drought, go outside and feel the rain coming down upon your head, squishing between your toes, feeling the coolness of it hit your bare arms, smell the dampness in the earth and then be thankful for the rain.  This is how to pray.  If there is a tumor in the body, some people will visualize it as shrinking, which is good.  But even better, for visualizing it as shrinking still maintains it within the body, see the area as being totally cleared already and be thankful for it.  It has suddenly become a non-thing.  Be thankful for perfect health, be thankful that all your cells continually rejuvenate as the Divine Child that God intended.  This is how to pray.  It might sound simplistic, and I know you have heard it all in many other books by many others saying the same thing.  But it is not as simple as it sounds, for it takes firm belief, total surrender and absolute trust in the Universe.  Those things are not so simple.  Doubt creates, or more rightly, comes from fear, and if you feel fear in this thing not being done instead of great love and gratitude, the fear will diminish, or lower, the vibration being put out.  It must come from a high vibration – from love, from faith, from that absolute trust.  So it is not that prayers are not heard or answered – they are.  It depends on what vibration that prayer is coming from. 
People who have mysteriously healed themselves from even terminal disease have one thing in common – maintaining a high vibration while they speak their affirmations of perfect health, or money to pay the bills, or creating love in their lives.  Then they behave as though it were so, in joy, marrying action with the affirmation and being in high vibration through this joy all the while.  This is showing trust and more often than not, whatever the desire was, they receive it because the Universe can only match whatever vibration you are putting out.  It is the law.  Can you see the difference here?  And your emotions can tell you where you are on this vibrational scale if you listen to them in all honesty; feel them in your solar plexus. 
Patience is another virtue here, although manifestation is quickening now, but so many people have said how positive they were, how thankful, how much they were believing in that manifestation coming to them, but it did not come and they are whining.  The very expectation of when and how will disrupt the flow of energy.  You cannot think of when and how.  There is no time to the Universe.  So if you had decided it had to be right now and held that expectation with a knowing you would be disappointed if it didn’t show up at a certain time, forget it.  It could be the very next moment would have brought it to you, but the disappointment came first.  It is fine to ask the Universe that you want something “now,” as if you say “sometime,” that sometime might remain a sometime.  But do not tie in expectation or disappointment if “now” is a month from that now.  The Universe has to manipulate energies in order to line things up in a balanced manner.  Your task is to maintain belief, surrender and trust.  And if the Universe brings you something different than what you asked for, it could be for two reasons.  The first reason is a soul contract for you to either be ill or not have the love in your life for your soul’s purpose.  The only way you can figure that one out is to look deeply within self to see if you can review your life and find a conclusion to your life’s purpose, or to go to a reputable medium who can help with this.  The second reason is that the Universe has something better in mind for your soul’s purpose than even what you asked for.  Again, trust is key.
I am known as an Archangel of prayer and bringing prayer from you to the One, the Infinite Source, so I wanted to give you just a bit of advice in how to go about it.  Yes, it has all been said, but if you are still praying for something not received, you might need to read it over and over until it is totally understood.  There is a reason for it being repeated over and over by many people over all time, for it is a Universal Law that whatever energy you put out will come back to you.  You just need to be sure how that energy is going out, at what level on the vibrational scale it is being sent from.  Just a hint.
I also am the gardener in helping you sow the seeds of your desires.  As Uriel helps to manifest what has been planted, I help you do the planting of all possibility for you.  The above section on prayer is how you plant and fertilize these seeds.  But first, you must know what seeds you want to plant.  Clarity of purpose, what makes you feel joy, what is for the highest good for all (for you are a part of that all), and prioritizing are the questions to ask about what seeds you wish to plant.  Think back over your life and what moments were truly blissful; think about all the things that have brought you to where you are right now – the good things, the not so good things, the challenges and opportunities (one and the same).  Jeremiel is good at helping with these things to make you aware of all the steps in your life that brought you to exactly this point, this now.  This is not meant to have you dwell in the past, for that is gone and is an illusion, but to guide you into seeing all the steps, big and small, that brought you here.  If you want to change direction in your life, do not repeat the same steps.  If you are heading in a good direction, then continue on.  This will help you know whether to buy new seeds to change what grows for you, or to keep planting what is working.  With that figured out, we can begin to plant your future.  For it is what you plant now, just as in a garden, which will bring the future crop.  That is why it is a waste of time to worry about the future, for it hasn’t been created until you plant the seeds that will create it.  No, creating life isn’t much different than planting a garden.  What you plant is what you get.  But sometimes you cannot do it alone and need a little assistance.  I am here for that.
On one of my more favorite subjects of creating, I would like to speak of music.  Gabriel is more in charge of the heavenly choirs, music created from the soul of your being that is in touch with something in the other dimensions – music inspired by the Divine.  My music is more earth based – music inspired by the absolute beauty of what is around you.  Music inspired by the vast mountain ranges that reach to touch the sky, the melody of a brook tumbling over stones, the sound of spring birds, a mother’s lullaby to her child.  It is music that is inspired through this heaven on earth that is all around you, if you can but see and hear it.  It is no more, nor less, than that inspired by other dimensions, for it is really all one.  It is just more earthy, if you know what I mean.  This music, though it does touch the soul, will not necessarily bring you to tears of joy, but it will make you want to dance to the rhythm of the earth’s heartbeat, to the flapping of wings, to the thunder in the skies.  It is the music that moves the heart of you.  It makes you want to sing out of the beauty you see, hear and feel around and within you.  It is like a good song played on a fiddle, whereas Gabriel plays the violin and cello.  You see the difference?  But both stir the soul and heart.  One might bring awe, the other a smile and a song in the heart.  Equally important to your well-being, I must say.  Listening to either one will move you in one way or another, and each one will feed the soul and put you in a higher vibration.  Then it would be a good time to put out your desires to the Universe while in this vibration.  Music is the best therapy you could put to use.  I am not talking about music that will dull you or lower your vibration; I am talking of uplifting music that makes you want to dance so you feel you are flying.  Dancing to good fiddle music is a cure for any low vibration.  That is why the Irish are such happy people!  Just an observation, mind you.
I am the Archangel that not only can bring your prayers to the heavens, but I am in charge of bringing heaven to earth, grounding it.  That is why I am also the seed planter.  I am here to help anchor the energy of spirit into the earth, into physical reality.  That is why I speak of manifesting and planting.  That is why I am so enamored of the earth and its environment and the heaven that can be created here through your co-creation of it.  I am excited to see what all of you wonderful lightworkers will bring forth from the love in your hearts, from the knowing that you are one with all things in heaven and earth.  We await with great anticipation this new earth you are birthing, and we thank you for asking for our assistance, for we wish to see you with only the very best.
I AM with you, Sandalphon
I wanted to add something here that Magdrael and I collaborated on.  There is a poet in us both.

How to Talk With the Universe

Passions of my heart speak to me,
  And become the desires sent out like birds on wing
    To the Universe.

The Universe hears and answers back,
  “I will have this gift for you if you are open to accept it.”
    Then let me flow with the tides, not swim against them, so I may be receptive to this gift.
I am in gratitude.

I will not get in your way; I will allow it to fly with good and high energy behind desire,
  Knowing and trusting that it is for my highest good and will come to me as you see fit,
    Knowing and trusting that however it manifests will be the best way for me and my soul’s purpose.
I am in gratitude.

“I will have this gift for you if you are open to receive it.”
  Then I will let go and open my arms to the whatever and whenever this gift arrives out of Creation.
    I will surrender to the timing, to the manifestation of Creation’s desire and will, and not my own.
I am in gratitude.

I will believe and not place expectations in the how of its arrival.
  I will believe in my heart and open my arms, knowing that this desire comes back to me
    “Then here, my child, is your gift, your creation, your manifestation.”
I am in gratitude.